Live Web — Week3

Stacy Yuan
Stacy’s ITP Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 7, 2020


Jason and I had a group project this week. Because we learned the canvas this week, we want to combine it with the chat room that we learned last week. After talking with Jason, he came out with an idea that the chat room is based on a planet. We imagined that the user can move around their avatar on the planet and find other people to talk to. Also, different people can choose different positions on the planet and have a private chat room, since the people on the other side can’t see the message.

On the top right corner will show how many users are here
Use the left and right keyboard to control your avatar!

For our further steps, we want to create different planets that users can choose to go to, or the user can teleport by typing the position rather than using the left and right keyboard to move.

